St. Paul, MN
Last Updated: 1/15/17
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Tri-City Red Post 513 is extremely pleased to have the opportunity of hosting the 2017 Minnesota American Legion Baseball State Tournament.
The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization. Focusing on service to veterans, service-members, and communities, the Legion evolved from a group of war-weary World War I veterans into one of the most influential nonprofit organizations in the United States. Veterans join the Legion through membership in local Posts. In addition to having served their country through their military service, members are dedicated to continuing to serve -- through working many volunteer hours on programs that make a real difference to those who live, attend school, or work in their individual communities. Over the years, at the national level, the Legion has also influenced considerable social change in America, won hundreds of benefits for veterans, and implemented many important programs for children and youth.
Founded in 1925, one of the Legion's largest youth programs is its highly-respected American Legion Baseball program, in which all 50 states participate. In addition to providing baseball skill instruction and experience to participants, the program stresses the importance of maintaining good health, proper teamwork and sportsmanship, strong values, patriotism and respect for those who have served, as well as active citizenship.
Since 1926, the Legion State Tournament has been an annual tradition in Minnesota -- the state that leads the nation in the number of registered teams annually, with 325+ teams -- quite remarkable for a northern state. It is estimated that, in the 91 years of existence in Minnesota, the Program has served over 385,300 youth participants.
The Program yet embodies the values upon which it was founded, with the program continuing to be a stepping stone to adulthood for its participating youth, who go on to serve their country and community, raise fine families, and contribute to business or governmental endeavors.
In addition, many participants have enjoyed the opportunity of playing at higher levels, being awarded college scholarships due to their leadership, character, academic performance, and athletic abilities. Roughly 75% of NCAA college baseball players are program alumni -- and over 50% of Major League Baseball participants are graduates of the Program; more than 60 are in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Minnesota has produced five National World Series Champions:
Richfield Post 435 in 1943 Rochester Post 592's Rochester A's in 2003 Edina Post 471 in 1983 Eden Prairie in 2011 Tri-City Red Post 513 in 1999 During this year's tournament, the top 16 teams in Minnesota, who earned berths through their respective playoff tournaments, will compete for the Minnesota Championship, as well as the right to go on to represent Minnesota at one of eight Regional Tournaments (held in Dickinson, ND), with hopes of then continuing on to the World Series. We wish all teams the best of luck in their pursuit of this goal!
The St. Paul Saints are proud to be a partner of the 2017 Minnesota State Legion Tournament!
2017 Regional Championship Tournament
The 2017 Region 6 American Legion Tournament will be held as follows:
Central Plains: Dickinson, ND Team Reporting & Banquet: Tuesday, 8/1/17
Games played: Wednesday, 8/2/17 - Sunday, 8/6/17
(Note, beginning in 2011, National began assigning both the Minnesota State Champ and the Minnesota State Runner up to the
Central Plains Regional, whereas, previously, Champ was assigned to Central Plains and Runner-Up was assigned to Great Lakes.)
For more information on the Regional Tournaments, take this link to the National American Legion Baseball Web Site.
2017 World Series National Championship Tournament
The 2017 (91st Annual) American Legion World Series will be held in Shelby, NC. Teams will begin reporting on Tuesday, August 8, 2017
(with teams being transported directoy to Shelby from their respective Regional tournaments.) A concert and other events will take place on
Wednesday, August 9th. Games (pool play beginning in 2015) will run Thursday, August 10th - Tuesday, August 15th, 2017. ESPN3 and/or
ESPNU is expected to broadcast tournament games.
For more information on the National Tournaments, visit Shelby's official web site, or take this link to the National American Legion Baseball Web Site.
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